An outbreak of fire with flames registered this afternoon in one of the engines of a medium-distance railway convoy between Madrid and Cáceres has forced the train to stop at the Leganés station and evict the passengers.

Renfe sources have informed EFE of this incident, which they describe as an “attempt” of fire, and that “none of the passengers has been affected”.

One of the travelers, the national deputy of the PP for Cáceres, Dolores Marcos, has assured EFE that “there was a fire” in the lower part of the tractor car -locomotive- and that the Renfe operators, after the train stopped in Leganés They have used fire extinguishers to put out the fire.

Minutes later, according to Marcos, several firefighters have arrived at the railway station to intervene in this incident that, according to the national deputy, reflects “the shame of the train that Extremadura and those who travel to this community have.”

Said attempt, according to Renfe; “fire”, according to what was stated by the national deputy, has generated smoke and some of the travelers have come out coughing from one of the carriages, as can be seen in a video uploaded by Dolores Marcos herself.

The train had left the Atocha station at 18:15 in the direction of Cáceres. At the height of Leganés, the train has stopped and the Renfe personnel who work in the interior service of the carriages “have begun to tell us that we had to get off.”

“Get off, get off, they told us. The shock in the body has been tremendous,” said the national deputy, who returns to Cáceres after having attended the plenary session of Congress this Thursday.

Renfe sources have informed EFE that the company has already prepared a reserve train to attend this trip. Passengers on the affected train remain at the Leganés station.

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