Carolina Yuste (Badajoz, 1991) doubts. Above all. She questions herself and doubts again. And that, in this world full of certainties, she already makes up her own revolution. That of the actress that one day she wanted to be and that she never wanted to give up. «I also need to work to pay for my house and be happy, but I do it with things that excite me and empathize. Although it is a roll that they always place you there. It’s not fair that I’m the standard-bearer for everything. Who I am? If today I think this and tomorrow the same thing turns me around what I think. I don’t want them to always place the flag of a vigilante on me. In that contradiction I find myself.

With that he is pulling. And not bad. Because they are five years, from the Goya of 2018, installed in a rare tranquility in the trade. That of continuous work, which has now led her to intervene in Pasapalabra and to star in Prime Video Sin huellas, the tragicomedy of a gypsy and a Mexican immigrant turned into kellys and surrounded by a murder and by a mafia.

And Carolina continues to doubt.

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