With the help of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, the British “indie” band Breeze has achieved success with an album in which it recreates what the band Oasis, which triumphed in the 1990s, would sound like today.

“We were bored waiting for Oasis to get back together,” explained the group when presenting the album “AISIS” (play on words between “AI” -Artificial Intelligence, in English- and the name of Liam Gallagher’s former band.

His boredom reached its peak in 2021, during one of the confinements decreed in the coronavirus pandemic, a moment that the Breeze members took advantage of to compose eight new songs inspired by the sound of Oasis.

Later, they used an AI model to simulate Gallagher’s voice for inclusion in the original tracks.

The result has not only been well received by critics and the public, but has also obtained some support from the British singer himself.

Gallagher, 50, said on Twitter that he hasn’t listened to the entire album, but he has listened to one song, which he thinks is “better than all the other stuff out there.”

The newspaper “The Guardian” describes the eight tracks on “AISIS” as “virtually indistinguishable” from a true Oasis album, “with really catchy melodies”, and goes so far as to frame its sound in the period between the band’s third original album from Manchester, “Be Here Now” (1997) and the fourth, “Standing on the Shoulder of Giants” (2000).

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