The secret of the ‘return’ and the reunion of Los Serrano has already been revealed. Yes, there will be a marathon of episodes of the mythical series and there will be a special program with dozens of analyzes and unpublished images. However, as this newspaper reported yesterday, it will not be a reunion as such.

The promoter of this reunion was Fran Perea and it was in the video clip of his new project -together with Víctor Elías and Lorena Castell-, One plus one is 20, where seven members of the cast met again. And that is what is going to be shown in the special program that will be broadcast this Saturday the 22nd on Telecinco.

In fact, the chain never announced a live reunion, not even in the special program, which is recorded. They simply announced that I would see the reunion of Los Serrano. But the series generates such a phenomenon that the announcement was immediately inflated, first, as if Los Serrano were going to return and, second, as if a reunion was going to take place as such.

“One plus one equals seven. Who was going to tell me? That it was so easy to be happy…”. This Saturday, the song that marked several generations will resound on television and in the heads of many, not only because of the tribute to Los Serrano’s 20th birthday, but also because it coincides with the premiere of Perea’s new project and with the from the first single One plus one equals seven. In fact, the video clip can be seen hours before the special Telecinco program, since it will be published this Friday at 00:00. That is, the reunion can be seen by watching the video clip.

Although the desire for the series to return is a fact and many viewers have asked Mediaset to bring it back to their channels, the truth is that Los Serrano will not return, they will only remember and honor it.

For this reason, this Saturday, April 22, coinciding with the broadcast of the first chapter of Los Serrano, Telecinco and FDF are going to use nostalgia and reruns. The main Mediaset channel will host the broadcast of the special program that has given so much talk in recent days starting at 11:00 a.m. The broadcast will feature the best moments of the series, outtakes, unpublished images, the analysis of its creator, Dani Écija, and prominent television critics, comedians and digital creators.

In addition, it will include images of the meeting starring some of the main actors of the series in the new video clip by Fran Perea, which premieres 24 hours before this special. The network will also broadcast the first episode of the acclaimed fiction, while FDF will offer a marathon of emblematic episodes, starting at 1:20 p.m.

Produced in collaboration with Globomedia and directed by Israel del Santo, this special program will reveal for the first time the reason for the controversial and criticized ending of the series and if other resolution options were considered, it will address the keys to the success of the series and discover some of the autobiographical aspects of the production.

For the creator of the series, “Los Serrano talked about what matters to us: life, family, our friends, love, heartbreak, making up for lost time and second chances.”

Dani Écija assures that the comedy “marked a before and after in our careers. In it, many people who did it very well, with great enthusiasm and a desire to work, coincided. People who have become benchmarks in the world of fiction “.

Along with the creator’s retrospective, the special will feature the participation of television critics Alberto Rey and Sergio del Molino; the comedians and influencers Gersan and Bertus and the youtuber and actress Esty Quesada. Each of them, with their particular point of view, will comment on their most iconic scenes, analyze their success, openly give their opinion on their outcome and try to explain why, two decades later, Los Serrano, awarded the Ondas Award for Best Spanish Series in 2004 and which hosted the special interventions of more than thirty renowned actors and famous characters from the national scene, continues to be liked by young people and arousing comments.

Fran Perea revealed in 2022 that she wanted to reunite the series. “We’re going to do something, I’ll tell you. We’re preparing something for 2023, but we still don’t know how we’re going to do it, we’re working on it,” said the actor in Atrévete, a Cadena Dial program. He then told what he was doing One plus one equals 20, and that Antonio Resines was giving them a hand so that the project could go ahead. “As a result of that, we are going to find ourselves safe, what happens is that a lot of people have to agree and we are working,” he added.

In fact, it was Antonio Resines who a few weeks ago in the Resistance confirmed that said reunion was going to take place. The actor assured that he could not say anything about the special because, otherwise, he would have a problem and that “the exclusive is that a few of us are going to get together.” “If I leave, we have her here. We are going to keep quiet just in case. What I can say is that the reunion will take place on open television,” he said. It is not known if the reunion was on any television or in the studios where the series was recorded, but it is certain that it will be Telecinco who will show the images of the long-awaited moment.

Well, what started with an intention seems to have come true a few days ago, but not all the protagonists of the series could be there. “20 years ago what was one of the last series of those that we all watched at the same time on TV premiered. And it was a boom, a social phenomenon that came to gather 8,191,000 viewers on April 1, 2004 in its 32nd episode and reached a 44.5% share of the screen in its 31st episode”, Lorena Castell assured this morning at the presentation of the project by Fran Perea and Víctor Elías, which has rebounded part of Los Serrano again.

One plus one is 20 pays homage to the soundtrack of a series that marked an era and that continues to win over young fans thanks to its broadcast on television platforms. Currently six of the ten songs that the album will consist of are known, which promise to be true milestones in the music scene, as they have been for decades. Ten doors that open a look to the past and at the same time to the future with new voices that, together with those of Perea, will make us relive happy moments and project ourselves towards the future.

“We want to celebrate life, the path traveled, friendship, the people we love”, Fran Perea mentioned as the objective of this One plus one equals 20.

There is no doubt that the fans of the series and those who are nostalgic will be able to meet again with the family formed by Belén Rueda and Antonio Resines on April 22, 2003. The series reached audience peaks of more than 10 million of viewers. Those were different times and another type of audience, but despite the changes in the television paradigm, Los Serrano continue to be a phenomenon.

According to an audience analysis published by Barlovento Comunicación, the range of viewers who now enjoy Los Serrano the most is the one between 13 and 24 years old. In fact, it’s quite a phenomenon on TikTok where teenagers share scenes from the series everywhere.

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