AMC Networks, the largest independent producer and distributor of thematic channels in the Spanish market, has launched ¡BUENVIAJE!, the only linear television channel 100% specialized in travel.

“We are very proud to launch a specialized travel channel in Spain together with our reference partners. ¡BUENVIAJE! joins our portfolio with the aim of bringing viewers new and exciting ideas thanks to a wide variety of current content , exclusive and prestigious, coming from all over the world”, explains Manuel Balsera, general director of AMC Networks International Southern Europe.

With a proposal of high-quality and innovative formats, and soon with own-produced content, ¡BUENVIAJE! invites the viewer to discover and explore new places by promoting responsible expeditions that are respectful of other cultures and the environment. Through a wide catalog of content, the channel offers a complete experience that leads tourism lovers to discover inspiring destinations, gastronomic plans, unique accommodations and new ways of traveling.

The channel is structured around different programming pillars such as Essential Destinations, a new way of showing the secrets of some of the most famous places in the world from a different point of view thanks to formats such as Japan with Sue Perkins and Darcey Bussell and the Queen’s travels

HAVE A GOOD TRIP! also visit Dream Accommodations to enjoy and disconnect with the aim of making a different trip through programs such as The World’s Most Extraordinary Hotels. In addition, since there is no better way to get to know a culture than through its food, he is committed to Gastronomic Journeys thanks to formats such as Sabores de México with Paul Hollywood or El Cornualles by Rick Stein.

The best way to discover Natural Landscapes is through large productions that show natural environments far from the classic tourist circuits like Rock the Park, awarded with an Emmy Award. The channel also rises to explore cities and landscapes From the clouds, betting on unique perspectives thanks to the spectacular aerial images provided by formats such as On the heights of the cities.

On the other hand, it invites viewers to live incredible adventures that go beyond limits with programs such as Africa with Ade Adepitan or the new seasons of The Committed Traveler and get on the Trains of the world to discover the great routes hand in hand of Billy Connolly by train in the United States or Great Rail Journeys in Australia.

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