On the eve of Emmanuel Macron’s speech, the opposition continued on Sunday to pound his “provocations” and his “denial” of the crisis situation, while the executive wants to move on to the post-pension reform .

The Head of State will speak Monday at 8:00 p.m. on the main channels, in a long-awaited speech, three days after the promulgation of the law pushing back the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years old.

After this “hard and complicated” reform, “it is normal for the president to come back to the French to set the course”, explains an adviser to the executive.

But for the president of the deputies RN Marine Le Pen, the “choice” is limited for Emmanuel Macron to “three solutions”: referendum, dissolution of the Assembly or resignation, she launched to the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro? LCI.

The far-right official returned to the lightning promulgation of the reform on Friday, in the wake of the validation of the essentials of the text by the Constitutional Council: this “shows that he is still in a state of mind of provocation “, she judged.

The inter-union, which has planned to meet again on Monday, has not laid down its arms and has already called for May 1 to be “a day of exceptional and popular mobilization” against the reform.

On the left, LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard maintains in the JDD that Emmanuel Macron’s “only option” remains “the withdrawal of this text”.

“The president should be the guarantor of harmony. He is deeply disqualified to govern the country”, also accused EELV deputy Julien Bayou on Europe 1.

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne assured the executives of the presidential Renaissance party on Saturday: “We are determined to accelerate” the reforms after that of pensions.

A week earlier, she had however felt that it was not necessary “to rush things”, evoking a “need for appeasement”.

The boss of the MoDem and ally François Bayrou made his difference heard on Sunday: “I’m not at all sure that the word accelerate is correct”. After a “dialogue of the deaf” between the executive and the unions, he pleaded on LCI to “reinvent social democracy in France”.

Transport Minister Clément Beaune, for his part, certified to BFMTV that it was not a question of “acting as if the country had not expressed a certain number of things through numerous demonstrations”.

“Accelerate what? Contempt?” asked LFI MP Clémentine Autain during the Grand interview France Inter-Franceinfo-Le Monde. She judges that the pension reform is now “legal” but not “legitimate”, and promises a concert of “pans” at the time of Emmanuel Macron’s intervention on Monday evening.

The Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, on the other hand, challenged any “contempt”: “On the contrary, there is a desire to work with everyone”, he said during the Grand Rendez-vous d’Europe 1 / CNews, calling for a resumption of social dialogue.

It is necessary in the future “to do perhaps differently, with a different method, to consult more, to organize things more”, supported the general secretary of Renaissance Stéphane Séjourné. “Nobody wants to redo the second retreat, I can assure you”.

However, he wanted, on France 3, “to kill two ideas”: that “it would take a turn to the left or to the right” and that according to which “France would be on pause”.

The Republicans, whose leadership supported the pension reform, have been rather discreet in recent hours. But Xavier Bertrand, president (LR) of Hauts-de-France, did not spare Emmanuel Macron: he must “get out of denial” on his lack of an absolute majority and his inability to carry out any “major reform”.

The former Minister of Labor also called for “an end to all this tension” in the country, on pain of sinking into “chaos”.

04/16/2023 19:41:39 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP