The new secretary general of the CGT Sophie Binet estimated that Emmanuel Macron with his policy, “opens a boulevard to the National Rally” after the promulgation overnight from Friday to Saturday of the law on pension reform.
“Macron was not elected to reform pensions, he was elected to block the National Rally. And he does the opposite: with his policy, he opens a boulevard to the National Rally”, criticized the N°1 of the CGT in an interview with the newspapers of the regional press group Ebra which brings together titles like Le Progrès or Les Latest News from Alsace.
“If there were a Macron-Le Pen second round tomorrow, with a policy of this violence, the trade unions would have great difficulty in adopting the same positions as in the past,” continued Sophie Binet before adding, ” we will always say that far-right ideas are the most dangerous for the country because they pit workers against each other.”
Judging that Emmanuel Macron “is becoming the president of chaos”, Sophie Binet praised the union unity that she wishes to pursue beyond the anti-retirement mobilization.
Unity will “leave traces. The CGT carries in its DNA the desire for union unity, because united unions and employees are stronger. We want to make this unity last beyond the question of pensions to weigh more strongly against the government and employers.
Sophie Binet, who welcomes approximately 30,000 new applications for membership of the CGT since the beginning of the year, also claims more peaceful relations with the Nupes while the relationship between her predecessor Philippe Martinez and the rebellious manager Jean- Luc Mélenchon were notoriously bad.
We need “clear, peaceful relationships that respect each other’s roles and strengths. And in this conflict, it was important to be able to work with Nupes, especially on the shared initiative referendum. But the mobilization would not have had this magnitude if it had been initiated by political organizations,” she explained.