The vice president of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, warned Poland on Friday that it will disappear as a country in the event of a war between Russia and NATO.

“A certain airhead named Mateusz Morawiecki has said that Ukraine has the right to attack Russia and that he is not worried about a NATO war against Russia because the latter would lose it soon,” Medvedev, who was in charge, wrote on his Twitter account. of Russian state between 2008 and 2012.

He added that he does not know who will win or lose that war, but stressed that “considering Poland’s role as a NATO outpost in Europe, this country will surely disappear along with its stupid prime minister.”

The former president, an active user of social networks, including Twitter, blocked by the Russian authorities, is known for the high tone and outbursts of his posts.

He compared the arrest warrant issued on March 17 against Russian President Vladimir Putin by the International Criminal Court to a “declaration of war” and threatened to bombard the court’s headquarters in The Hague with missiles.

“We are all at the mercy of God and missiles!” Medvedev warned

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