The German government has authorized Poland to send Soviet-made combat aircraft to Ukraine originally from the arsenals of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), the Defense Ministry reported Thursday.

“I am pleased to be able to announce that we have authorized our Polish partners to send to Ukraine five MiG 29s from the former GDR army stocks,” Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said in statements quoted by a statement from his portfolio. .

The decision follows the request for authorization made by the Polish authorities and the Berlin Executive gave its authorization today.

“We received the request today. I am glad that the entire government has reached a consensus on this decision. This shows that Germany can be trusted,” added Pistorius.

In 2002 Germany sold Poland 22 MiG 29 fighter planes from the GDR and the contract stipulated that Warsaw had to request permission from Berlin if it wanted to sell or transfer them.

In late March, Polish President Andrzej Duda’s security adviser Jacek Siewera said Poland still had a dozen such planes.

Duda announced during a visit to Warsaw by Ukrainian President Volodomir Zelenski on April 5 that Poland was planning to hand over all its MiG 29s to Ukraine.

Some parliamentarians from the government coalition celebrated the decision even before it was officially confirmed and after it had been advanced by some German media.

“It is right that the government did not delay the decision but made it the same day the Polish request arrived,” said Liberal Party (FDP) defense expert Marcus Faber in statements quoted by “Der Spiegel”.

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