Nine out of 10 Spaniards already present their income statement online. Specifically, in the past financial year, 20.4 million of the 22.15 million personal income tax returns received were processed online. Although still at a much slower rate, the number of taxpayers who choose to settle accounts with the Treasury through the Tax Agency’s mobile application, a tool that allows filing the declaration in a single click, is also growing.

Among the improvements introduced in the application, as well as in the Renta Web program, for the 2022 Income campaign, the implementation of a virtual assistant to “resolve most of the doubts” that assail taxpayers, especially on issues related to real estate.

Other novelties that the AEAT app offers is the information on the “Regularización Dama”, which is shown in the same cases that are shown in Renta Web, or the possibility of accessing the tax data of the members of the family unit who have a declaration individual in the work session (from the statement summary). Likewise, the Agency will send notices to taxpayers who consider they may have to declare virtual currencies (328,000), rental properties (661,000) or income from other countries (807,000).

We tell you how to use the app of the Tax Agency to present the declaration. You have to follow the steps detailed below.

First of all, you have to download the Tax Agency application (APP-AEAT) on your mobile device (phone or tablet). The free service is available from Google Play (for Android) or App Store (for iOs).

The next step is to identify the holder of the declaration, the reference number, the electronic certificate, the Cl@ve PIN or electronic DNI must be entered.

Once identified, the taxpayers who have already submitted the declaration of other years through the app, and provided that the Agency has all their data, they only have to access “Rental”, then “Rental 2022” and finally “Processing of draft / statement”.

If the fiscal domicile is not confirmed, the identification data of the owner and the current habitual domicile will be shown. If they are correct, you must click “Ratify”; otherwise, tap on “Modify.” You have to select the ownership of the property; if it is a “lessee” (indicating the NIF of the lessor). Once the current habitual address is ratified, the taxpayer obtains a receipt and can continue with the process after clicking “Continue”.

The application offers the declarations available in your work session (individual of the taxpayer, and if any, of the spouse and their children) for those declarations for which the AEAT has the necessary information to carry out the calculation. By default, the most favorable tax option for the taxpayer will be indicated: individual or joint.

As reported by the Tax Agency, the app allows you to continue with the previously saved work session or, if it does not exist, the calculation of the returns will be requested (if you have a spouse, you must be identified as a user in the application, and if not yet it is, the possibility of identifying it at that moment or requesting the calculation of the individual declaration will be offered). In addition, the tax domicile of the spouse may be ratified (if he has a spouse and his tax domicile is not ratified), allowing it to be modified and ratified.

For each declaration, the declaration modality (individual or joint) will be indicated, if it is the most favorable modality, if he is not obliged to present the declaration, the member of the family unit, if it is an individual declaration and the result of the declaration (to be deposited or to be returned together with the amount).

Before filing the declaration, the application allows:

If all the information is correct, click on “Submit a return” and:

Only the last steps remain. If you want to file the return, just click on “Yes, file”. If the presentation of the declaration has been made correctly, the Secure Verification Code (CSV) appears, which allows you to obtain a copy of the document from the section “Collection of documents by secure verification code (CSV)” of the electronic office.

To obtain the PDF of the filed return, you must select the “View filed return” option, from where you can view or save the document on your device.

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