On and off the pitch, Wendie Renard is a must. It was through her that came the revolt that led to the appointment of Hervé Renard. It is around her that the defense of the French team must be built, all the more so with the absence of her Lyon teammate and in selection, Griedge M’Bock who is recovering from a knee injury.

For her 144th selection, the captain of the Bleues delivered, Tuesday, April 11, against Canada, a good performance in the central defense, during the 2-1 victory of the French thanks to goals from Grace Geyoro (51st) and by Léa Le Garrec (64th). The 14,000 spectators at the Marie-Marvingt stadium in Le Mans also hailed his performance by chanting his name in the second period. Nothing to do with her lackluster performance on Friday in Clermont, where Wendie Renard had been negatively involved in the two Colombian goals (5-2 success for Les Bleues), put in difficulty by the powerful striker Mayra Ramirez.

At Le Mans, against the reigning Olympic champions, the Habs found a safe, dominant and focused Wendie Renard. Well supported by Estelle Cascarino, who had not played the first meeting, she commanded the French rear guard wonderfully. If the new version of the French team has mastered Canada, for the second match on the bench of its namesake, Hervé Renard, it owes it in large part to its 32-year-old taulière.

“Wendie was perfect”

This did not escape the French coach. “Wendie was perfect. It is the captain who steers the boat, he noted, She was very effective in her communication and in her respect for the team block. Individually, she was also perfect. The coach defends his captain who went through a delicate period with his public position: “When you are a great player, among the best in the world, you are watched more. I am completely satisfied with her. We must continue like this. »

In the first period, Wendie Renard shone several times. But it was his goalkeeper, Constance Picaud, who avoided the opener from the start, quickly throwing herself to the ground on a point-blank shot from the Canadian star, Christine Sinclair (5th). Five minutes later, it was the Martiniquaise who tackled Jordyn Huitema in extremis and superbly, recovering the ball.

She never panicked, towering from the height of her 87 meter over her opponents. In the 31st, she calmly puts back – despite the pressure – from the chest the ball in the direction of Constance Picaud. A minute later, she clears the ball with an eccentric free kick, similar to the one that led to the Colombian opener four days ago. Her defensive panoply is perfect when she intervenes acrobatically to intercept a dangerous ball in the middle of the penalty area (40th).

While the France team gained the upper hand over its opponent, logically rewarded by the opener of the score from the head of the Parisian Geyoro − once again excellent −, Renard reminds observers that she is a defender who can to score (34 international goals). It takes an incredible save from Kailen Sheridan to prevent him from doubling the bet on a skillful recovery from close range (62nd). Two minutes later, an error by Sheridan allows Léa Le Garrec, who came into play, to score the second goal.

Choices made

After his first against Colombia, Hervé Renard had pointed out the defensive shortcomings of his team. If he had not named anyone, the coach had not been satisfied with the defensive performance of his. “Defensively, you need solidity, rigor, a lot more aggressiveness. We have a lot of time to work, but we cannot behave like that against some of the best teams in the world, he had analysed. We are already at a very good level but we will have to be much more solid because the World Cup is something else. »

On the eve of starting her (false) return, since her withdrawal will only have lasted a month and will not have caused her to miss any match, Wendie Renard had assumed her choices. “It’s normal, when you say certain things, especially an experienced player like me, of course I will be expected at the turn. The France team does not belong to me, she asserted. I expressed myself personally, it was hard, but it was my choice, I assumed it and I will assume it. I didn’t give anyone an ultimatum. I am proud to defend the colors of my country as I did the first time in 2011.”

Despite seventy minutes of excellent defensive work, Les Bleues are still measuring how far they still have to go three months before the World Cup in Australia, where they will start on July 23 with a match against the Jamaica. Lining of the holder Pauline Peyraud-Magnin, Constance Picaud conceded the reduction of the gap on a gross individual error. His handball on a harmless exit allows Jordyn Huitema to push the ball into the empty goal (71st). “Sometimes we make mistakes that have no consequences. This allows you to grow faster, ”put Hervé Renard into perspective.

The list for the World Cup announced since June

No first clean sheet (match without conceding a goal) for the Bleues of the new coach and his captain Wendie Renard – still decisive on a defensive header in stoppage time – but a first big test passed brilliantly. “It’s a reigning Olympic champion team. It’s a kind of rehearsal before the big matches of the World Cup, announced the coach before the meeting. It is important to feel that we are going in the same direction. »

The first part of the mission is successful. “The nine days have been fantastic. It’s only happiness for a coach, he said at the end of this first meeting. The list of 23 will not be easy, there will be ghosts. This will make for a tough competition between the players. »

He should announce his list at the beginning of June and the lucky ones – of which Wendie Renard is sure to be a part – will have two more preparation matches, in Ireland on July 6 and in Australia on July 14, before starting the serious things.