In April, it is the spring of the JT on Arte and M6. Tuesday, March 28, the two channels presented, on the same day, the new version of their respective news slices.

The European channel launches, from Tuesday, April 11, “19-21, the news of the world differently”, from Monday to Friday. A two-hour installment in five stages. First “Regards”, at 7 p.m., a report program already firmly established on the German site of Arte, offering “stories of Europeans” in thirty minutes. Then a recent innovation, “Le Dessous des images”, where Sonia Devillers dissects each evening, in a quarter of an hour, a photo, a drawing, an advertisement, a comic strip, a propaganda image…

Then comes, at 7:45 p.m., the news itself, hosted by Carolin Ollivier, at the head of a Franco-German team. Goal: “Let it be watched all over Europe”, not just on both sides of the Rhine. In this regard, the magazine “Arte Europe, l’hebdo” in four languages ​​will be ramped up (plus four other languages ​​in subtitles). Elisabeth Quin and Emilie Aubry bring up the rear with their already well-established formats, “28 minutes” and “Le Dessous des cartes”.

A two-hour daily slot – hosted by Jean-Mathieu Pernin – in the time slot, prime time, where information is king, with the essential television news from the major channels (TF1 and France 2), and which presents itself as “[Arte’s] response to information fatigue”. Vast program… what M6 could do, but with a different approach.

“Informing in a Modern Way”

The RTL Group channel, for its part, plays the card of youth and modernity. Claiming more than ever a leading position among viewers under 50, M6 is revamping, from Monday April 17, its two daily news slots, “12.45” and “19.45”, presented by Nathalie Renoux and Xavier de Moulins.

The channel has invested heavily in two virtual and immersive sets of 600 square meters, equipped with “the most advanced technologies to inform in a modern way: standing presentation, uncluttered set, augmented reality and essential place left to the image…” The idea is to bring – virtually – the viewer on the set, with ever more “augmented reality”.

On the merits, on the decryption side of the info, Stéphane Gendarme, director of information, recalls that M6 was the first to offer, from 2017, “a section on ‘fake news'” in its news. The latter will bet more than ever on the “Explain to us” sequence, with 3D modeling “to immerse the viewer in the theme addressed”.

Two keywords: “pedagogy” and “proximity”. Precisely, it is “a space of proximity at the national level” that the new section “Inspire us” will offer, on Saturday, which wants to “highlight positive initiatives, whether personal or entrepreneurial”. An opportunity to highlight a new face, that of N’Fanteh Minteh – joker for Nathalie Renoux -, who has just joined the editorial staff of M6 after a long stint with TV5 Monde and France 3 Bretagne (where she hosted the morning show “You are great”, telling “those who make the territories live”). The young woman also leads, for the Reporter Citoyen association, media education workshops in working-class neighborhoods and rural areas. Two areas where “information fatigue” is acute.