The Income campaign could leave the Treasury without workers to fight against tax fraud, according to the unions. The Independent Union and Officials Central (CSIF) demands to strengthen the Tax Agency staff to work in the fight against tax fraud and the underground economy, key aspects for the financing of public services.

From CSIF they maintain that this organization has a personnel deficit of about 5,000 employees compared to the average of the main economies in our environment. By increasing the number of workers dedicated to the recently started Income campaign, the personnel assigned to combat these problems decreases to a great extent, since the troops whose main task is this fight become part of the support assigned to the public to inform, review and process the Income Statements.

For this reason, from the aforementioned union they reiterate that it is essential to create, within the Tax Agency, the Fiscal Police, whose embryo is found in the current Customs Surveillance Service. They affirm that this division would contribute to improve the effectiveness against fraud and black money that considerably reduces the financing of public services.

The CSIF spokesman in the Tax Agency, Pablo Burgos, maintains that “it is time for the Tax Police to strengthen and strengthen itself within the AEAT so that in this way it can fight much more effectively against tax fraud and the underground economy”.

At the moment, there is no progress in this regard. “The Tax Agency in some way washes its hands saying that it is the responsibility of the Legislative Power, a government decision, and we have gone to the political groups to try to convince them of the importance of the service to the citizenry of the creation of this Fiscal Police,” lamented Burgos.

The trade unionist insists that if you want to fight effectively against the underground economy and tax fraud, you must strengthen the staff. He also explains that the Tax Agency currently carries out computer control but that there is “another part of tax fraud” that is not detected with this system, but with the investigation and for this material and human resources are needed. “Here there is a lot of underground economy, a lot of money laundering that is not being investigated,” he says.

On the other hand, Burgos details that after recent negotiations with the Tax Agency, a calendar has been set until the end of July by which they agree to update and reactivate the administrative career agreement. Among CSIF’s demands, a salary increase, professional career, mobility or early partial retirement stands out.

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