This Tuesday, April 11, the 2022-2023 income campaign has begun. You can now consult the draft of the declaration corresponding to last year’s income and present it online. And, taking advantage of the beginning of the campaign, the Cris contra el Cáncer association has opened a petition for signatures to request that a box be included in the income statement to contribute to cancer research.

“One in three women and one in two men will receive a cancer diagnosis throughout their lives. Cancer is one of the most important challenges we face due to its high incidence and complexity”, since it exists ” hundreds of different tumors”, they remember in the petition that they have posted on their website.

For this association, “the only formula” to make it a “100% curable” disease is investment in research, but public funding for science barely accounts for 1% of GDP in Spain, so it is “urgent to find new ways of “public” financing.

Thus, he considers that, next to the boxes for the Church or the social purposes that are included in the income statement, there should be a third box so that whoever wants to can mark it and thus allocate 0.7% of the resources collected to cancer research.

At the moment, there are already more than 2,500 people who have signed this petition, as can be seen on its website.

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