Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promised on Monday April 10 to “restore security” in his country by acting “on all fronts” after a new outbreak of violence in the Middle East. “We will not allow the terrorist Hamas to establish itself in Lebanon,” Netanyahu added, after the Israeli army accused the Palestinian Islamist movement of being behind the launching of dozens of rockets into the north. of Israel on Thursday.

The rocket fire, which injured one person and caused material damage, came the day after the brutal irruption of the Israeli police, in the middle of Ramadan, in the third holiest site of Islam, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem -East, area annexed by Israel. The government claimed law enforcement was “forced to act to restore order” in the face of “extremists” barricaded in the mosque with rocks and firework rockets which were used against the police during their assault.

This violence on the esplanade of the Mosques of Jerusalem occurred in a climate of inexorable rise in violence between Israelis and Palestinians since the beginning of the year, after the inauguration of Mr. Netanyahu at the end of December at the head of one of the most right-wing governments in Israel’s history. Since the beginning of the year, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has claimed the lives of at least 94 Palestinians, 19 Israelis, a Ukrainian and an Italian, according to a count by Agence France-Presse (AFP) based on sources Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The Minister of Defense finally maintained

“I promise you, we will reach out to all the vile terrorists who have killed our citizens and they will be held to account without exception,” Netanyahu said after two young Israeli women and their mother were killed in a Palestinian bombing in the occupied West Bank. . “We are still in the midst of a fight, we are ready for further strong actions on all fronts if necessary,” added the Prime Minister.

Mr. Netanyahu also sent a message of firmness to Syria, where Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes since the beginning of the civil war there in 2011, ostensibly not to allow the Islamic Republic of Iran, an enemy of Mr. Netanyahu, to establish a bridgehead there. Israel again carried out strikes there overnight from Saturday to Sunday, in response to rocket fire towards the part of the Golan annexed by Israel after its conquest of Syria in 1967.

“In Syria, we acted against Iranian targets and Syrian regime targets. [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad’s regime already knows that the price we have taken is only the beginning: if it continues to allow rockets to be fired at Israel, the Assad regime will pay a price. very heavy,” Netanyahu said.

Very low in several polls which give the winning opposition in the event of an election today, Mr. Netanyahu also said he had reversed his decision announced in March, but never implemented, to dismiss his Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant , which had urged the government to pause in its justice reform project. This project sparked one of the biggest protest movements in Israel’s history. “There have been differences between us, even difficult skirmishes on certain subjects, but I have decided to leave [them] behind, Gallant remains in his post and we will continue to work together for the safety of the citizens of Israel,” Netanyahu assured.