Three years after the coup d’état which placed a military junta in power, the situation in Burma is “an endless nightmare” for the population, declared Friday March 1, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. man, Volker Türk.

The junta crushes all forms of dissent with “unbearable cruelty” and total impunity, Türk charged, calling on the UN Human Rights Council to act and countries to try to prevent further atrocities. . It represses the slightest opposition “with a total abuse of power”, while the economic situation continually worsens, he also pointed out.

“The human rights situation in Burma has become a never-ending nightmare, far from the gaze of world politics,” he said, as the council discussed the country. Three years of military rule have inflicted, and continue to inflict, unbearable levels of suffering and cruelty on the people of Burma. »

The country plunged into violence and chaos

The junta came to power in February 2021 in a coup that ousted the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, ending a decade-long experiment in democracy and plunging the country into violence .

Violence has intensified since October 2023, when ethnic armed groups launched a series of coordinated attacks, to which the army responded with force, not hesitating to bomb towns or cities. “For three years, people in Burma have sacrificed everything to maintain hope for a better future,” said Mr. Türk. They need the entire international community to support them. »