It’s a real arsenal that was discovered in the movie star. The Montargis public prosecutor’s office (Loiret) announced on Tuesday February 27 the seizure of seventy-two firearms and more than three thousand rounds of ammunition during a search of Alain Delon’s home. The 88-year-old actor, seriously ill, did not “benefit from any authorization allowing him to possess a firearm,” said the Montargis public prosecutor, Jean-Cédric Gaux.

The search in the property of the star, who now lives under judicial protection for his medical follow-up in Douchy-Montcorbon (Loiret), was carried out last Thursday following a report from the guardianship judge, said the prosecutor, confirming information from Le Parisien.

Investigators discovered a total of seventy-two weapons, category A (certain firearms and war materials) and B (weapons used for sports shooting and those used in cases of professional risk), and more than three thousand munitions .

They also noted the existence of a shooting range on the property of the actor, a great amateur and collector of firearms. He had sold his collection – seventy-six lots, from the Winchester from the series In the Name of the Law, offered by Steve McQueen, to the revolver from the film Red Sun – at auction in 2014. An investigation into the illegal deposit of weapons, acquisition and illegal possession of category A, B and C weapons was opened, explains Mr. Gaux.

New round of accusations

Since the end of January, the actor, who suffers from lymphoma, has been placed under the protection of justice regime. The authorities have appointed a legal representative responsible for assisting him in his medical follow-up, at the heart of a virulent conflict between his three children, Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien.

The question of the presence of weapons in the Douchy property, where the actor allegedly said he wanted to end his life, was the subject of a new round of accusations between Anouchka and Anthony. Anouchka “is reassured now that these weapons have disappeared from the property,” said her lawyer, Frank Berton, interviewed by Agence France-Presse on the sidelines of a trial in Avignon. “She was quite worried given the somewhat unusual climate there,” he explains. “Anouchka knew that her father had a weapon, that he likes weapons, it is known. On the other hand, she could not imagine that there were so many weapons,” added Mr. Berton.