The socialist mayor of Canteleu (Seine-Maritime), Mélanie Boulanger, prosecuted with one of her deputies for complicity in drug trafficking, announced on Wednesday February 21 that she was resigning “for health reasons” from her functions at the head of the Norman commune.

At the same time, she “sent her resignation from the mandate of regional councilor to the president of the Normandy Region” but will remain a member of the Canteleu municipal council, specifies the town hall in a press release.

In January, two investigating judges from Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) ordered the referral to the criminal court of Mélanie Boulanger, one of her deputies and 17 other people suspected of being involved in vast drug trafficking. narcotics in this town of 14,000 inhabitants, near Rouen. The date of the trial has not been specified.

Ms. Boulanger is notably suspected of having given information to traffickers about police checks, delaying the installation of video surveillance cameras, which she has always denied. “This accusation dirties me and makes me suffer, as much as it damages the image of our city and that of my family,” reacts in the press release from the town hall Ms. Boulanger, who describes this accusation as “surreal.”

“The announcement – ​​on January 12 – of my referral to a criminal court, however, inflicted on me a decompensation that was as unexpected as it was worrying. Since then, it has been a fight for my health that I have had to lead (…) This medical fight is the only one that is not compatible with the heavy responsibilities of mayor, and that is why I am forced to give it up.” , she writes.