The debate within Podemos about the coalition with Sumar for the Galician elections faces a new twist in the script. Juan Carlos Monedero has called on party members to vote in favor of this alliance in the consultation that is open until tonight, even if it is a “trap offer”, and he flatly rejects that since his formation the vote for the BNG.

The opinion of the co-founder of Podemos clashes head-on with the public position that Pablo Iglesias made yesterday for the party’s registered members in Galicia to overthrow the “pre-agreement” with Sumar in the consultation that ends today at 11:59 p.m. The former general secretary of the party asked on the website to vote against him and pointed out that there was no need to stand alone in the Galician elections, but rather that we had to campaign for the BNG.

For its part, the national leadership of Podemos maintains absolute coldness regarding the coalition with Sumar in Galicia and its members have not come out to defend the need for this pact with those of Yolanda Díaz.

In this environment contrary to the pact reached by the leadership of Podemos Galicia with the promoter of Sumar Galicia, Monedero has come forward to defend that this coalition has to move forward, even if it is a “trap” and “arrogant” agreement on the part of of Díaz’s party. Furthermore, he states that voting for another party, in reference to the BNG, “cannot even be considered.”

In an extensive message on the social network in Galicia and being responsible for the probable bad result that the left is going to get there.

For this reason, he maintains that even if it is a bad agreement, Podemos has to go with Sumar. “What is best for the future of Podemos? Voting yes to Sumar’s trap offer to avoid distractions from the strategy that has been set out in the ‘roadmap’, continuing to work to create a party, having a head very high because Sumar will have been given the last opportunity to demonstrate what he is worth or not worth, and prepare so that Podamos can tell the country as a whole in the Europeans what he really weighs. Today, therefore, is a day to do politics. And that is done by voting Yes in the Galician consultation,” he assures.

Monedero recognizes that Sumar’s offer to Podemos “has once again been arrogant.” “Hence, what the body asks of any militant is to express contempt for insisting on humiliation. Although perhaps that is what was sought by making such an unbalanced offer,” he points out. However, he explains that it must be up exclusively to Yolanda Díaz “to account for what happens in Galicia, without anyone ever resorting to the helpful [argument that] ‘we are to blame’.”

The former leader affirms that the “superior task” that should concern Podemos militants and not distract them is to “reorganize the party in Galicia.” “Four leftist candidacies in Galicia are a failure and a guarantee that we all deserve to lose. But Podemos cannot and does not want to disappear from Galicia. Voting for another party cannot even be considered,” he says.

Ione Belarra has unexpectedly renewed the Podemos Executive to expand its components like it never had before and to make some adjustments that reinforce, above all, her circle of trust and fill in empty spaces. With this movement he shields the hard core of the party to face the most decisive stage of the organization, in which he has to take on the challenge of running alone in the European elections, in an operation he thought to recover the pulse lost with the change of hegemony. in space in favor of Sumar.

In the renewal there are some adjustments that are only nominal. Like the change in Irene Montero’s position, that she continues as number two in the formation but that she goes from heading the Government Action Secretariat to doing so in the Political Secretariat. Belarra thus recovers the name of the area that Íñigo Errejón had from 2014 to February 2017, when that “bis general secretariat” was dismantled after the Vistalegre II congress.

Beyond this minimal change, what stands out is the entry into the Executive of Belarra’s most trusted profiles, such as Martina Velarde (Secretary of Justice and Human Rights), Conchi Abellán (Secretary of Municipal Policies) and Lucía Muñoz (Secretary of Living place). In addition, Tito Morano assumes the Secretary of Economy and Public Policies for a New Country, replacing the resigned Nacho Álvarez.

On the other hand, Pedro Honrubia receives the Secretariat of Electoral Analysis, María Marín will be the secretary of Horizonte Verde and Animalismo and Ismael Cortés, that of Agenda 2030. Javier Sánchez Serna, who was already in the Executive, remains the Secretariat of Horizonte Republicano and Democratic Deepening, and María Teresa Pérez, the Secretary of Institutional Speech and Action. Both will support the spokesperson tasks of Isa Serra and Pablo Fernández as deputy spokespersons.

The renewal of the Executive entails the voluntary departure of Rafa Mayoral, a historic member of the leadership who chooses to remain in the background. Lilith Verstrynge remains as Secretary of Organization, Pablo Echenique as Secretary of Program or Ángela RodríguezPam as Secretary of Feminisms and LGTBI.