Rosa Benito, the oldest woman in Segovia, died last Christmas Eve, at the age of 105.

The centenarian from Segovia was a native of Cozuelos de Fuentidueña, but moved to the town of Adrados when she married Félix Castro, an Adrados native who shared her life for more than 60 years.

Throughout his life he had nine children and, currently, he leaves behind children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In Adrados they still remember her joy, and also her character, and even when she was older it was common to see her playing games of brisca or tute in the town.

When she turned 105, Rosa Benito became one of the oldest women in Castilla y León and Spain.

As she herself said, the recipe for her long life had been “to work hard, follow a good diet and her prayers to Santa Gema and rosaries to the Virgin of El Henar.”

The oldest person in the province had been in the Trescasas nursing home for eight years, as his condition required professional care, although he received family visits every week. It was in this residence where she died.