The Italian Police charged this Friday against minors, students from several institutes in Rome, when they approached the Chamber of Deputies in a demonstration, which caused moments of tension.

The protesters, who in recent days had occupied the centers preventing classes as a protest, had gathered in the central Plaza del Pantheon, but later went to the area of ​​the Chamber of Deputies to continue the demonstration.

To prevent the students from reaching the Plaza de Montecitorio, where the Chamber of Deputies is based, the Police officers carried out a series of charges, hitting the young people with their batons and some were injured with bruises, the newspaper reported. The Republic.

Among those affected, all of them minors, is a minor student from the Mamiani institute with a scratch and a blow under the right eye and a girl from the Virgilio center, hit on the head and one hand, the Roman newspaper added.

The students began their protest by occupying the centers several days ago to demand “transfeminist schools”, investments for better teaching, and their opposition to the reform planned by the Ministry of Education.

After moments of tension, the protesters returned to the Pantheon Square to continue their protest.

The police charges were criticized by some of the opposition members such as the deputy of the Greens and Left party Angelo Bonelli, who accused the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, of sending the police against the protesters and not talking to the young people “and that “The only response he is capable of giving is beatings, batons and jail.”