The Government has approved in the Council of Ministers this Tuesday several aspects that were included in the Public Service law that the Executive negotiated without completing with the unions the last legislature, among which include the evaluation of the performance of employees public.

This was announced by the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, in the press conference after the Council of Ministers, where he indicated that the objective of the measures is to “modernize the public Administration.”

Some of the approved measures, Bolaños indicated, derive from the Basic Statute of Public Employees, approved in 2006. “The evaluation of the performance of all public employees and officials is reinforced,” the minister stated, which will serve to assess their conduct. , performance and compliance with objectives.

Likewise, the horizontal professional career is introduced, which allows progress in sections from the same position in the company or public administration, and the figures of public managers are also regulated.

The head of Justice has also advanced “strategic planning of human resources” in the field of public employment with the professionalization of the courts, a “more agile” selection model and the transformation of the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) into an agency”.

As reported by the Treasury in a statement, the new performance evaluations are presented “positively”, that is, since they pursue “an improvement in productivity that results in better provision of the public service.”

“In no case will they imply the loss of civil servant status for those who do not pass them,” assures the Treasury, since if they do not pass this evaluation “training measures will be encouraged to provide them with tools that allow them to perform better.”

This operation of the evaluation of public employees responds to what was agreed with the CCOO and UGT unions during the negotiation of the draft law presented in Congress and which declined due to the early elections.

“A new supplement is not created,” Javier Martínez, from CCOO in the General State Administration (AGE), assured EFE, explaining that it will work like productivity, a supplement that is already charged, but not in the entire administration.

“It is not that we are going to increase the remuneration, but rather the way of receiving it,” CCOO has detailed, although they add that the reform will serve to ensure that this remuneration supplement reaches groups that until now did not receive it.

“They have not communicated information to us in this regard,” the CCOO union member in the AGE told EFE, and although he indicates that they have taken into account several of the provisions agreed upon with the unions in the previous legislature, today’s approval through a royal decree has caught them by “surprise”

According to Martínez, the Government had suggested to the plants that it would be approved through a bill and now they are questioning whether they will be able to introduce modifications to the decree approved by the Executive.

In this sense, CCOO criticizes an “excessive” tightening of the disciplinary regime against which the unions had already expressed themselves. This disciplinary regime, which already existed before, does contemplate the possible loss of civil servant status.