The spokesperson for the Basque Parliamentary Group in the Senate, Estefanía Beltrán de Heredia, has shown the PNV’s favorable opinion of the Amnesty Law, and has stated that the political moment “opens an opportunity to address the debate on the territorial model and recognition of the plurinationality of the State”.

In her speech in the Upper House during a PP initiative contrary to the Amnesty Law, spokesperson Jeltzale also added that it is “a political way to overcome the political conflict in Catalonia and facilitate coexistence and social cohesion.” “.

Beltrán de Heredia has reproached the popular ones for interpreting as preferential or privileged treatment the recognition of the Basque, Navarrese, and Catalan uniqueness and the establishment of the bilateral relationship with the State. “On the contrary, it is about completing an architecture that was left unfinished in the Constitution of ’78,” he stated. As he has stressed, the Magna Carta “and differentiates between nationalities and regions, protects the Historical Rights of the provincial territories and recognizes the bilaterality in the financial and tax relationship” of the Basque Country and Navarra.