Esquerra Republicana (ERC) has decided to take its bill to the Plenary Session of Congress next week to end the obligation to attend calls for the Spanish football team and other sports, so that it is only a voluntary option for the athlete. .

This is an old claim by the Catalan separatists that was registered in September following the complaints of a good part of the national team’s footballers, who admitted having gone “out of obligation” to the call of coach Montse Tomé, since It can involve sanctions of up to 30,000 euros and even the suspension of your federation license.

The initiative, reported by Europa Press, consists of a modification of the Sports Law so that the presence of any player in the national team is no longer considered a duty and is exclusively a right, while establishing the ability to choose free for any athlete to decide whether to attend or resign from the call.

The text, recorded in Catalan and Spanish, received the Government’s consent to be debated, since the Executive has the power to veto legislative initiatives that may lead to an increase in spending or a decrease in budgetary income, and now ERC has decided to put it to a vote in plenary. of Congress next Tuesday.