The president of the Board of Directors of the Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, and the president of the Spanish Banking Association (AEB), Alejandra Kindelán, received this Monday the Tiepolo 2023 Awards. Awards granted by the Chamber of Italian Trade and Industry for Spain (CCIS) in collaboration with the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).

“True, important and authentic success stories from which not only Spain and Italy but also the entire European context have benefited,” said the Italian ambassador, Buccino Grimaldi, in his opening speech. In fact, the event took place at the Amboage Palace where the Italian Embassy in Madrid is located.

The host, who has been accompanied by other relevant figures such as the Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Víctor Ángel Torres, the Spanish ambassador to Italy, Miguel Fernández-Palacios Martínez, and the presidents of the awarding organizations, Marco Pizzi from CCIS and Antonio Garamendi from CEOE, wanted to highlight that this is the first edition of the Awards in which “a representative of the female business world is awarded.”

Well, Kindelán, in addition to being president of the AEB and its homonymous Foundation, also holds one of the vice-presidencies of the CEOE and that of BAIC, a business advisory council to the OECD, among other relevant positions in the financial and business world.

Despite not being able to attend the appointment and that his recognition has been collected by María Abascal, director general of AEB, Garamendi has been tasked with reading some words of thanks from Kindelán.

In them the focus has been on the banking field where he says he has developed his professional career. “A sector that is a fundamental pillar of our economies. That makes our countries better places to live and develop opportunities. That channels billions of euros of savings from citizens and companies to projects that make us grow, be more competitive, and this It is without a doubt the best formula to bring real progress to society and well-being to citizens,” Garamendi emphasized with Kindelán’s words.

For his part, Gros-Pietro has been awarded as president of the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo, which this year celebrates the 50th anniversary of its first implementation in Spain and also as vice-president of the Italian Banking Association (ABI).

“It is an honor for me to receive this award, as president of Intesa Sanpaolo, in consideration of the prestige and representativeness of the people who preceded me and the president of AEB, Alejandra Kindelán,” said the Italian after collecting his award.

Once again, the Tepiolo Awards recognize the career of personalities from Spain and Italy with success stories in the economic and business field, as well as their contribution to strengthening relations between both countries.