Guillermo Fernández Vara, former president of the Board and current second vice president of the Senate, suffers from a stomach tumor, according to what he himself has communicated to those close to him in the last few hours.

Vara was admitted to a hospital in Badajoz after losing blood, due to what was believed to be an ulcer, and suffering from anemia. After undergoing a series of tests, he himself confirmed that it is a tumor. In principle, he will undergo an intervention next January.

“I trust that everything will turn out well but to do so I need to concentrate with all my strength,” Vara wrote in his message to his colleagues and friends, in which he expressed that he trusts in Public Health, to which he has dedicated so much time in his work, first as Minister of Health and then as president of the Board.

Upon learning of his condition, the president of the Extremadura Regional Government, María Guardiola, wrote on her Twitter account: “Good luck, president @GFVara. My best wishes for a speedy recovery. The most important thing is that you are in good hands and “With your determination, everything will be fine.”

Fernández Vara’s illness coincides with the period open for his succession as head of the General Secretariat of the PSOE in Extremadura, to which the current president of the Badajoz Provincial Council, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, has already announced that he will present himself.

Vara’s name was also considered as a possible Minister of Territorial Policy in Pedro Sánchez’s new cabinet.