The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warning on Friday, May 3, to “individuals who threaten [it] with reprisals” (it or its staff), affirming that such actions could constitute an “attack on the administration of Justice “.

The Hague-based office of Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan said it seeks to “engage constructively with all stakeholders whenever dialogue is consistent with its mandate,” in a statement published on X. “This independence and impartiality are, however, undermined when individuals threaten to take reprisals against the Court or against Court staff” in the event of “decisions” on investigations falling within its mandate, he said. he adds. The ICC calls for an “immediate” end to “attempts to obstruct, intimidate or unduly influence its officials.”

Mr. Khan’s services did not want to specify to Agence France-Presse who these threats emanated from and whether they were linked to Israel and the war in Gaza. The ICC opened an investigation in 2021 into Israel, as well as Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups, into possible war crimes in the Palestinian territories. It has now extended it “to the escalation of hostilities and violence since the attacks of October 7, 2023” perpetrated by Hamas on Israeli soil.

Israeli officials told the New York Times that they expect the ICC to issue arrest warrants for members of the Israeli government (including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) in connection with Israeli military operations. in Gaza in response to the Hamas attack. Israeli President Isaac Herzog said on Wednesday that a possible indictment of Israeli officials by the ICC would represent “a danger for democracies”.

Mr. Netanyahu judged that the possible issuance of such arrest warrants would aim to “threaten Israel’s leaders and soldiers, essentially to paralyze Israel’s ability to defend itself.”