NRJ star host Sébastien Cauet has been accused for several days on social networks by women. He is now the target of a rape complaint, his lawyer and media reported on Tuesday, November 21, confirming information from L’Obs.

The alleged victim, Julie, 25, explained to the BFM-TV channel that she was sexually assaulted by Cauet when, as a teenager, she came to meet him to make him listen to a radio model. “We were on the couch. So he stood next to me and that’s when he pulled down his pants (…). He said to me, “That’s how you make it in radio. You have to do it,” the young woman testified. “I looked him straight in the eyes and said, ‘I can’t,’” she added, explaining that she subsequently “executed.”

Julie said she had since attempted to end her life and been hospitalized several times, saying she was still “on antidepressants, on medication to sleep at night.” “I’m just waiting for justice to be done. »

In a press release posted on the host’s X account, his lawyer, Simon Clemenceau, confirmed the filing of the complaint against Mr. Cauet “for acts of rape which he strongly contests.” Mr. Cauet “immediately instructed his counsel to file a complaint for slanderous denunciation against the author of these serious unfounded accusations with the public prosecutor of Nanterre,” adds Mr. Clemenceau.

Complaints filed by the facilitator

Mr. Cauet, 51, presenter of the “C’Cauet” show on NRJ radio, announced on Friday that he had filed a complaint for harassment after Internet users publicly accused him on X of having sent messages of a sexual nature to minors. “These allegations are completely false,” he defended himself on the social network.

Friday evening, the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office confirmed to Agence France-Presse (AFP) that two complaints for “harassment of a person by means of a public online communication service” were filed by the host on Wednesday, confirming information from Franceinfo. The first complaint was filed by mail on November 14 through his counsel to the Paris public prosecutor’s office and the second the next day at the Boulogne-Billancourt police station (Hauts-de-Seine). An investigation was entrusted to the brigade for the suppression of delinquency against the person, the public prosecutor further clarified. “The Paris prosecutor’s office has relinquished responsibility in favor of that of Nanterre regarding these facts,” the prosecutor’s office told AFP.

In mid-October, an X account followed by nearly 150,000 subscribers shared screenshots of WhatsApp messages of a sexual nature which it claimed came from a discussion between Mr. Cauet and a minor.

The host has been a known figure in radio humor for thirty years and his debut on Fun Radio in the 1990s. At the peak of his popularity, he presented the second part of the talk show on TF1 on “La Methode Cauet” evening, from 2003 to 2008.