WhatsApp continues to advance with new features and has just expanded its services so that users have greater versatility in their daily use.

The Meta group company has reached an agreement with the firm Docusing, one of the most important platforms for signing documents online, to make it easier for WhatsApp users to have this function available with maximum data protection security in his phone.

With this digital signature option, WhatsApp Delivery, as this new functionality is called, completes the application’s use offer with some improvements in other sections such as audios or document downloads.

Among the different new features that users will be able to enjoy are also notifications when documents have been signed and sent correctly.

WhatsApp thus opens up even more to the business world in which many company procedures and services can be streamlined. According to the WhatsApp signature, documents sent to sign through its application have a much faster response and signature than in other channels. Even the American company encrypts these user response operations in less than 15 minutes.

On the other hand, Docusing has reported in a statement that this alliance with WhatsApp allows the sending of documents in encrypted form and without the possibility of external manipulation.

According to the information provided by both companies, the main benefits will focus on the following sections: