The former ministers and former socialist leaders who make up the Fernando de los Ríos collective have decided to create a “constitutional platform” to end the “wall” drawn by Pedro Sánchez himself in his investiture speech in front of PP and Vox. To this end, they have called on all social formations that can help them “travel the path of recovering the rule of law” and the principles of the Magna Carta, which they summarize in four: “Justice, equality, freedom and political pluralism.” “.

“We want to remove the walls and open paths to defeat, through peaceful means, the blocism that is contributing nothing and that is dividing Spaniards in a way that has not happened for 50 years,” said Pedro Bofill, former PSOE deputy and one of the members of this organization created as a result of the pacts that the President of the Government already began to sign with his parliamentary partners in the last legislature.

Under the title Not like that… with these agreements, no, the group held a colloquium this Tuesday in Madrid moderated by Nicolás Redondo Terreros – from whom the Ferraz management has withdrawn his membership card -, who has described the current situation in Spain as an “anomaly in Europe”. The former Basque leader has also stressed that the new coalition forged by Sánchez is not only criticized by “the fascists, the right-wing and the veterans” like him, but also by “young people from the center-left who only use common sense without further labels.” “.

Regarding the Amnesty Law that is going to be processed as payment for the votes of ERC and Junts for the re-election of the president, Cándido Méndez has highlighted that it represents a “comparative outrage of horse”, because it forgives “a series of crimes in Catalonia and does not in Andalusia nor in Soria”. “It is the foundation for a negative transversal bloc,” added the former leader of UGT, a socialist militant for 53 years, who has stressed that among those parties that have supported the investiture is the “extreme right” of Carles Puigdemont.

Former minister Virgilio Zapatero, for his part, has stated that Sánchez’s Executive is the “most extreme” of those that have existed in Spain and that it reproduces a “great Tinell pact on a national scale”, in reference to the agreement they signed. the three left-wing parties in Catalonia in 2003 to prevent CiU from governing. According to the person in charge of the Relations with the Cortes portfolio under the mandate of Felipe González, “from the left the legitimacy of the right is denied”, and conversely, what worries him: “We are going down a very dangerous path.”

In turn, the professor of Constitutional Law Teresa Freixes has considered that the negotiation of the amnesty in “a commission of hooded people abroad” that has been reflected in an agreement that also includes Junts’ intention to hold a meeting again self-determination referendum in Catalonia is “clearly insulting”. “Replacing institutions with poorly regulated dialogue tables is intolerable,” she added.

The former ministers of the PSOE (José Barrionuevo, José Luis Corcuera and César Antonio Molina), the PP (Rafael Arias Salgado) and the UCD (Soledad Becerril) also attended the event; the former presidents of the Junta of Andalusia José Rodríguez de la Borbolla and of Extremadura Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra; the former popular deputy Alfonso Suárez Yllana and the former Ciudadanos parliamentarian Edmundo Bal.