This is not the first time that someone has criticized Gabriel Rufián, ERC spokesperson in the Congress of Deputies, for the tone he uses during his interventions in the Chamber.

Yesterday, during the first day of the investiture debate of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government, Rufián warned the socialist leader that he will need his party to remain in La Moncloa, since Ciudadanos is no longer an alternative.

“Do you see Albert Rivera here? Do you see Inés Arrimadas here? Do you see them? No, right? Don’t risk it,” he told her.

That moment has become current again a day later because the former footballer Luís Figo has collected the video on his Twitter account to reproach him for his attitude: “What a cool pseudo-Catalan” (sic).

Of course, Gabriel Rufián did not take too long to respond to the Portuguese. But not with words.

His response tweet was accompanied by a link to the Tax Agency website, specifically to the space designated by the organization to consult, defer or pay debts online.

The Supreme Court certified, in March 2012, a ruling from the National Court that forced the Portuguese midfielder to pay the Treasury about two and a half million euros, as Personal Income Tax (IRPF) for some years. from his time at Barcelona (1997, 1998 and 1999).

The reply returned to the account of the 2000 Ballon d’Or: “Don’t be nervous, you have four more years to get off the mark. And you were only going to be there for 18 months.”

With great irony he has reproached him for lack of creativity when talking to him about the Treasury. What’s more, Figo told him that “perhaps there is no need to pay from now on since I am also included in the Catalan amnesty.”