The statistics which make it possible to describe the students’ journey are organized according to a meaningful criterion: there are students “on time” and others. Being “on time”, according to national education? It’s entering first grade at age 6 and never repeating a grade. Throughout compulsory schooling and in the rest of their career, young people are therefore confronted with this requirement not to “waste time”, even if this would help them to gain it later by formulating or strengthening their project, or by equipping oneself with skills that are little worked on in the academic system.

There is no question of repeating a year, taking a gap year, spending a year abroad, doing civic service before returning to university, working… These experiences are nevertheless extremely rich for the construction of the individual and, when we listen to those who have experienced them, they often prove to be decisive in their life journey. Many foreign countries, moreover, favor them.

“At 20, do you have to lose time to gain time? »

To discuss:

Animation: Emmanuel Davidenkoff (Le Monde).

This conference is organized by Le Monde in partnership with the Civic Service Agency. It will be followed by a cocktail in the presence of the speakers.

See you at the Le Monde auditorium on November 28, 2023, at 7 p.m.

Free entry upon registration.