The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, participated this Tuesday in a new meeting of the European Council in Brussels. The first point of the day had aid to Ukraine as a subject, and at that time the Minister announced that Spain is launching a support program for the families of Ukrainian soldiers who have fallen in combat, “who will be welcomed to enjoy a rest in Spanish military residences,” he explained.

At the moment, it is unknown how many people will benefit from this stay in Spain or how they will be selected, but it represents another step in the commitment to the Ukrainians. Because in this same meeting, Robles boasted about the training mission of the European Union, highlighting in particular the work of the Toledo Coordination Center which, with more than 3,000 trained personnel, “is a model of effectiveness, both in basic and specialized combat training, as well as fraternization with Ukrainian soldiers.

Spain also assists Ukrainian soldiers, whom it brings to the Military Defense Hospital in Zaragoza to operate on them and treat their war wounds. In addition, this medical center is also training doctors to learn how to treat combat casualties as well as other traumas typical of war wounds.

While in Brussels Robles announced this new program to welcome relatives of Ukrainian soldiers, in Madrid the Council of Ministers approved new packages to increase the stock of ammunition in Spain. It should be remembered that the war in Ukraine showed the lack of weapons of the European armies. Not only that, but the EU High Commissioner, Josep Borrell, encouraged countries to donate their stock to Ukraine, at the same time that they should come together to make joint purchases of more weapons, which would lower prices and shorten deadlines. This plan has been underway for several months and has already been put into practice in Spain.

Thus, the Council of Ministers has agreed to allocate 339 million euros to the acquisition of 155 caliber artillery. This, according to the Council’s reference, “will allow the Field Artillery Units to enhance these artillery systems and achieve a range capacity greater than 24 km, essential for better fulfillment of the missions and tasks of the weapon, supporting and protecting with more precise and deep fire the operations of the forces in ground actions, as well as facing the international commitments acquired by the Ministry of Defending”.