Numerous personalities from the world of culture and journalism in Spain, such as Miguel Ríos, Clara Lago and Fernando Trueba, have promoted a manifesto to stop the war in Israel, convinced that only the citizen movement has the capacity to stop it.

The manifesto ‘We must stop the war. Neither genocide nor terrorism’, an initiative born from Cuts Zero, was presented in Madrid this Sunday, minutes before the start of the demonstration in support of Palestine in which they will ask for a ceasefire and say “no to barbarism.” “.

“With this manifesto we want to join an entire movement that is now global in rejection of war, of what is happening right now in Palestine. (…) The objective is to stop the war, that is the call we have made to to all institutions, to all governments, to the entire international community,” explained Nuria Suárez, Spokesperson for Recortes Cero, at a press conference.

The idea of ​​the manifesto is to promote citizen mobilization against the war because, as the former deputy mayor of Madrid Marta Higueras and signatory of the document has stressed, “today only people on the street” can stop this conflict.

The former secretary general of CCOO, Antonio Gutiérrez, has also supported the manifesto and has denounced that the international community is failing to stop the war and therefore “the only hope or the main vector of force to stop this war is people”. The manifesto condemns the “criminal terrorist actions of Hamas”, but emphasizes that they cannot be used to “justify the genocide” of Israel against the Palestinian people: “An Israeli life is worth as much as a Palestinian one.”

It states that “Israel is committing war crimes” and demands a ceasefire, stopping an “atrocity” that increases the risk of military escalation in the region and endangers world peace.

The signatories defend the right to an independent Palestinian state and call on Israel to stop the bombings and comply with international law and on Hamas to stop its terrorist attacks and unconditionally release the hostages. To do this, they request UN mediation.

The document has already collected a thousand signatures. Among them, those of the musicians Silvia Pérez Cruz, Rozalén and Rayden, the actors José Sacristán, Clara Lago, Charo López and Marisa Paredes and the film directors Fernando Trueba and Fernando Colomo.

The support of the actresses Charo López, Mercedes Sampietro, Vicky Peña, Marisa Paredes, Julieta Serrano and Assumpta Serna, the performers Antonio de la Torre, Juan Echanove, Carlos Hipólito and Emilio Gutiérrez Caba and the directors Javier Fesser, José Luis Gómez, Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón and José Corbacho.

Also from the painter Antonio López, the writers Rosa Montero, Juan José Millas, Benjamín Prado and Rosa Regás, the singer Soledad Giménez, the playwright Jorge Eines, the artist Santiago Sierra and the cartoonist Nazario.

The document has the support of numerous journalists, including Jesús Maraña, Ana Pardo de Vera, Carles Mesa, Fran Sevilla, Javier del Pino, Manuel Rico, Chalo García Cortés and Pilar Urbano. Joan Baldoví and Gaspar Llamazares, politicians, the lawyer Cristina Almeida, the founder of the World Transplant Organization, Rafael Matesanz, and the former president of the RAE, José Manuel Blecua, have also signed it.