Two of the 122 occupants of the last migrant canoe that arrived this Friday on the Canary Island of El Hierro have died in the last few hours due to poor health after the crossing from the coast of Africa, sources from the security services have reported. emergency.

The cayuco was located at dawn on Friday about 15 kilometers from the La Restinga port, where ten of its occupants were treated for symptoms of dehydration and another was transferred to the Virgen de los Reyes Hospital.

The medical staff had planned to refer the admitted migrant to a hospital in Tenerife due to his serious condition, but he has died, sources have reported. He will be buried at 8:30 p.m. this Saturday in the Valverde cemetery.

The second deceased was one of those who had been treated at the La Restinga dock, but was not admitted to the hospital, but rather transferred like the rest of the occupants of the cayuco to the temporary accommodation center installed in the old Frontera convent, where About 150 people currently remain.

Apparently, one of his colleagues who got up early in the morning found him dead in the bathroom.

We are waiting for a forensic team to arrive in El Hierro from Tenerife to bury this person in the Frontera cemetery.

With these two deaths, there are three migrants who died this week among those who arrived in El Hierro. On Tuesday, a boat arrived at the island with 87 people, one of whom had died.

He was buried in the cemetery of the municipality of El Pinar last Thursday.