The chief judge of the Investigative Court number 2 of Ferrol has sent to prison Roger Serafín R.V., a 49-year-old resident of Narón arrested last Tuesday for killing and raping Elisa Abruñedo ten years ago in a place in the town of Cabanas in A Coruña. .

As confirmed by the Superior Court of Xustiza of Galicia (TSXG), the judge agreed this Thursday afternoon to provisional detention without bail for the detainee, whom she maintains as being investigated for the crimes of homicide/murder (to be defined later). throughout the investigation) and sexual assault due to the events of 2013.

The detainee spent the last two days in the Civil Guard facilities and, according to various sources, the agents of the Central Operational Unit (UCO) carried out extensive interrogations that lasted until the early hours of the morning. Finally, he confessed to being the author of the events and this Thursday, during the morning, he was brought to justice.

The case remains under summary secrecy, but EL MUNDO has learned that the agents managed to reach the suspect, after ten years of investigations, following the trail of a Citroën ZX vehicle and the DNA test of a relative of the detainee, in addition thanks to the expertise of a forensic expert, who determined that the murderer had red hair.

The investigation was started by the Homicide group of the Civil Guard of A Coruña and a year ago the UCO of Madrid joined in, which assumed the final part of the investigations. For some time, investigators were aware that DNA would be crucial to solving the crime, since Elisa was murdered and raped in a wooded area of ​​Cabanas without any witnesses and the only conclusive evidence that existed was that the murderer left biological remains in his body by raping her.

Starting from this genetic trail, the Civil Guard began the investigation with a list of suspects with prior records, but they all tested negative in the DNA tests, so they carried out tests on the residents of the area and ended up organizing a massive, random screening. and volunteered in all the surrounding municipalities to try to find any clue that would lead to the suspect or his family.

The detainee did not undergo the voluntary tests, but a relative did. The biological remains found in Elisa Abruñedo were crossed with this DNA and it turned out to be compatible, with the investigators concluding that the suspect was a relative of the person who provided the DNA.

With that DNA, and the information that the suspect was conclusive, the Civil Guard was able to pull the thread of a clue that they had at the beginning, but that had led them to nothing. A witness claimed to have seen a Citroën ZX on the afternoon of the crime and it turns out that the suspect was driving that same make and model of vehicle.

When she was murdered, Elisa Abruñedo was 46 years old, married, had two children and worked caring for elderly people in the area. Adrián and Álvaro Fernández Abruñedo, her sons, kept the fight open to locate their mother’s murderer after their father and husband of the victim, Manuel Fernández Martínez, died a year and a half after their mother, in 2015, in an accident work at the A Graña dock, in the Ferrol Military Arsenal, when part of the load of a truck fell on him. Later, another fundamental pillar of the family would do it: the grandfather.

Elisa went for a walk on Sunday afternoon, September 1, in the village where she lived, Lavandeira, in the parish of Soaserra, and although she usually did it with her husband, that afternoon he had gone to a funeral and she decided to go out alone. She never returned, because she met her murderer a few meters from her house. Her family reported her disappearance that same afternoon and search operations were carried out until her body appeared the next day in some brambles 500 meters from her home. An autopsy revealed that she was raped and stabbed to death, with three stab wounds.