Around a hundred people considered to be pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Saturday morning, April 27, on the campus of a Boston university, Northeastern University announced on the social network police, the university added in its statement, also asserting that “what began as a student demonstration two days ago [had] been infiltrated by professional organizers, unconnected to the university.”

The use, on the night of Friday to Saturday, of “violent anti-Semitic insults”, including “kill the Jews”, “crossed the line”, writes the university. “As part of this evacuation, around 100 individuals were arrested by the police. The students who presented their Northeastern U. cards were released (…) Those who refused to prove their affiliation were arrested,” added the establishment. Students arrested on campus will be subject to “disciplinary procedures” but “no legal measures,” according to the press release.

Starting last week from New York’s Columbia University, this new episode of the movement in support of the Palestinians and against the war led by Israel in the Gaza Strip has spread to a number of American campuses, from California to New York. -England (North-East) via the south of the United States.

The presidency of Columbia also announced that it had given up on having the New York Police (NYPD) evacuate the encampment set up on its campus but that a leader of the movement had been prohibited from entering the university site. from northern Manhattan after comments deemed anti-Zionist in a video.