Galicia is holding this Monday the first debate on the state of autonomy in the post-Feijóo era, the first major examination on general policy for the current president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, and, as a coup d’état, it has announced several social measures aimed at to families and the elderly, among which stands out the implementation of a universal bonus of 5,000 euros per year for all dependent people who receive care from a family member, a neighbor or a professional in their own home. This bonus It has no precedents of a similar nature in any Spanish community and will make Galicia the only autonomy that will have a universal bonus for people with dependency, regardless of their degree or income, to guarantee that they receive care at home. It is not forgotten Alfonso Rueda of people with dependency, who receive assistance in specialized centers. Thus, those who already have a voucher to go to the residential center they wish will receive a supplement of 1,200 euros per year, equally independent of the recipient’s income or their degree of dependency. Furthermore, the Xunta de Galicia reminds that these new The aid will be added to another major measure designed for dependent people, the launch of the first public intermediate care center in Spain, which will open its doors in Santiago in 2024, which will continue with a second center of these characteristics in Mos (Pontevedra ). In this way, they are confident that Galicia will become a national leader in supporting people with dependency. This first major debate by Alfonso Rueda had a marked pre-electoral tone, just a few months before the regional elections in Galicia. , still undated. The leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón, sees the PP leader’s “recital of announcements, promises and propaganda” as an “insult to intelligence” and a “lack of respect” for Galicians, whom she sees “taking his final blows” before the elections and the spokesperson of the socialist group, Luis Álvarez, disgraced him that he had chosen to turn the debate into the first campaign event without coming down from his “ivory tower”. Furthermore, outside the Chamber, the political event served to give the starting signal for the internal primaries of the PSOE to choose a candidate. The socialist deputy in Congress José Ramón Gómez Besteiro took advantage of the event to officially announce to the media that he will attend the primaries recently called by the Socialist Federal Executive for October 29 and the 2020 candidate and current regional deputy Gonzalo Caballero will makes it “at the disposal” of the party. The debate was also held at a state level, with direct references from Alfonso Rueda to the national police when he insisted that Galicia “is not going to tolerate” a hypothetical forgiveness of debt to Catalonia. In relation to the hypothetical investiture of Pedro Sánchez, he sees the issues that are on the negotiating table with the independence movement as “an immense mistake”, since what is up for debate “is not the future of any politician”, but the future of all of Spain. Rueda has assured that he will make his voice “heard more than ever” in Spain and, as a summary, he has reproached the central government of Pedro Sánchez for “non-compliance” and “ignoring” the community.

In addition to the universal dependency bonus, the Galician president advanced the creation of Carné 65, which seeks, in a context of prices and inflation, to support Galicians who reach retirement with discounts in different establishments and services. It will equate those over 64 with the Youth Card for youth and will include a program of trips and stays for active enjoyment. Thinking about families, the regional president adds another announcement to launch an administrative simplification plan in 2024 to reduce the costs to a minimum. procedures that families have to carry out to receive the different aid. Also in a social key, he announced a new reduction in the Property Transfer Tax, which is currently at 9% and next year it will be reduced by an additional point, to 8% . In practice, it will translate into a saving of about 1,000 euros for a property of 100,000 euros or 2,000 for one of 200,000 euros. Economy and industry were other axes of his speech, lasting one hour and 20 hours. With the aim of attracting investments and industrial projects to Galicia, he announced that all those that create 25 or more jobs, have an investment of 2 million euros or more and represent a relevant territorial and socioeconomic incident will be declared Strategic Industrial Projects. From now on, all these projects will be guaranteed that their processing will last a maximum of one year and medium-sized projects will be helped through an acceleration plan that will reduce deadlines by half. Likewise, he announced the creation of a fund public-private with a foundation capital of 300 million euros that will allow those projects with the most potential that are stalled due to lack of financing to start.