The Council of Ministers has recorded the dissolution of the fundamentalist Catholic organization Civitas, accused in particular of calling to “go to war against the Republic”, including by resorting to “force”, announced Wednesday October 4, the door – government spokesperson, Olivier Véran.

“Civitas considers human rights as tools for the destruction of Christian civilization, Civitas has organized gatherings in homage to emblematic personalities of collaboration, Civitas ensures the promotion of a hierarchy between French citizens with theses clearly anti-Semites and Islamophobes”, listed the minister during his report to the council of ministers, also criticizing his vision of LGBT as “a harmful community”.

The Minister of the Interior announced on August 7 that he had asked his services to investigate a case for the dissolution of Civitas, a traditionalist Catholic association founded in 1999 and transformed into a political party in 2016, then into an institute.

The umpteenth scandal

At the origin of this announcement, yet another scandal caused by the remarks – described as “ignominious” by the Minister of the Interior – of Pierre Hillard, conspiracy and anti-Semitic essayist, made during the recent Civitas summer university , from July 29 to 31 in Mayenne. Mr. Hillard advocated returning to the regime “before the naturalization of the Jews in 1791” because it would have “[opened] the door to immigration.” He also spoke out in favor of making Catholicism “the state religion” again. Mr. Darmanin contacted the public prosecutor, describing the comments made as “incitement to racial hatred”.

This provocation was added to an already full catalog. “The legal services of the ministry have been compiling data and identifying the actions of this party for several months,” the Ministry of the Interior explained. And the file was starting to get really heavy. » Civitas is known for disrupting theater performances and attacking works of art deemed “Christianophobic”: this year, its activists prevented two concerts in churches, including one, in April, by singer Bilal Hassani , planned in a deconsecrated place of worship in Metz.

The movement emerged from the shadows in 2011, with spectacular actions against several cultural events, notably the play Golgota Picnic, by Rodrigo Garcia, which it considers “Christianophobic”. In 2012, Civitas actively mobilized against marriage for all, denouncing “homofolie”. In 2021, the Catholic organization participated in demonstrations against the health pass.