Since Elon Musk got behind the wheel of Twitter, there have been many experiments, problems, and changes that have occurred on the social network. New sections, featured tweets from unfollowed and paid verified users. The last trial-error of him was the one verified that he has stopped specifying if it is old, because it is a relevant account, or is the product of a monthly payment to Twitter Blue. This same afternoon, a new surprise has left tweeters speechless.

Barely an hour ago, in the browser version of the social network, the iconic Twitter bird was drastically replaced by an image of a Shiba Inu dog, an alteration that also appears on the screen that appears when you reload the page. The photo is not just any of a dog of this breed, it is the image of a cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, with which Elon Musk has a history.

The most striking thing is that at the same time, Dogecoin has multiplied its value on the stock market, it has suffered an upward peak that at the time of publication of this news is still on the rise. For now, the shares of this cryptocurrency have risen by more than 20%, approaching 0.09 euros per share.

This ‘unexpected’ rise has been celebrated by Dogecoin’s own Twitter account. Elon Musk has not yet ruled on the reasons or the reason for this change in the logo of the social network that he owns, although this would not be the first time that his movements on Twitter alter the course of actions in bag. However, he has taken advantage of his Twitter profile again to post a meme referencing this change, which clears up the doubts about whether the logo change could be due to a hack.

Musk has already teased other cryptocurrency-related changes on the social network, adding a price finder for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, although he did not include dogecoin on that occasion. This same Saturday, it was known that Elon Musk and his lawyers request the dismissal of the lawsuit of 258,000 million dollars accused of trying to inflate the price of dogecoin.

Specifically, the lawsuit against Musk (filed by Dogecoin investors in June 2022) accused the mogul of driving the price of the cryptocurrency “over 36,000% in two years and then letting it crash,” using his influence as one of the richest people on the planet and his huge number of followers on Twitter.

The lawyers, who called the lawsuit a “work of fanciful fiction,” explained that Musk’s support for dogecoin on social media in 2021, including comments like “Dogecoin Rulz” and “no ups, no downs, just Doge,” it was “too vague” to justify a fraud lawsuit. “There is nothing illegal about tweeting supportive words or funny images about a legitimate cryptocurrency that continues to have a market capitalization of nearly $10 billion,” Musk’s lawyers noted.

In the middle of this process comes the change of the logo of the social network that Elon Musk owns, a coincidence that seems hardly coincidental taking into account the aforementioned background.

The image of the dog, nicknamed doge, is a meme that became famous in 2012 on Reddit. The photo of the animal sitting on a park bench, taken and uploaded to the Internet in 2010 by a Japanese kindergarten teacher, Atsuko Sato, went viral and in 2013 became the image of dogecoin.

This cryptocurrency, which was born without taking itself seriously and as a mockery of the cryptocurrency boom that was taking place that year, multiplied its value from the $0.00026 it had during its conception up to 300% in the first two weeks of life.

The creators, who wanted to demonstrate the absurdity of the cryptocurrency system, witnessed how everything exploded in their hands. Years later, Elon got into the rag of writing comments and uploading memes about cryptocurrency; directly influencing its value.

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