The time has come to comply with the Treasury. The Tax Agency calendar has several key dates to take into account to make the Income Tax return for the year 2022 (exercise 2022-2023), the first of all being April 11, which is when the campaign begins. of Income to which both active workers and retirees whose income last year exceeded 22,000 euros (or more than 14,000 euros if they had two payers) are summoned.

So, after the Easter holidays, it’s time to review last year’s income and expenses. The 2022 Income Tax campaign begins on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. From that day, you can request the draft of the return, modify it, and submit it online through the Tax Agency website.

The deadline to submit the 2022 Income Statement ends on June 30 as in previous editions.

As in previous years, the presentation of the IRPF model 100 can be done both electronically, through the website of the Tax Agency, as well as in person or by telephone. In these last two cases, an appointment must be made in advance.

To submit the 2022 Income Statement in person or by telephone, it is essential to request an appointment through the following channels:

Below we highlight the dates provided by the Tax Agency for the 2022 Income campaign:

[All dates of the Rent 2022 – 2023]

According to the criteria of The Trust Project