We can stay out of the photo of Magariños. This scenario is now assumed quite naturally both from Sumar and by the purple party. Both see it as practically impossible for a last-minute turn of events to lead them to reach an agreement. What’s more, the talks between Yolanda Díaz’s team and Ione Belarra’s team have been frozen since last Monday, when there was a last attempt to reach a minimum pact that Podemos could exhibit to attend the presentation of the candidacy of the vice president in the general elections.

This total absence of dialogue, and of the anticipation of having it, certifies that the two assume that they are in a blind alley. For now. It is the feeling that sources from Sumar and Podemos also transmit. In fact, in the purple party they are resigned to the fact that they will have to wait until “June”, after the regional and municipal elections in May, to negotiate the aspects that worried them most about the future candidacy and that are the ones that will determine whether they will land on it or not. No.

For now, the two are still stuck in the same spot and unwilling to move. We can claim a document or some type of signed paper where Díaz agrees to organize “open primaries.” In Sumar they insist that there will be “primaries” but they refuse to put last names. Among other things, because they emphasize that any pact in this regard must come from a “multilateral” agreement, that is, between the fifteen or more political forces to which a hand is extended to go together to the December elections.

The difficulty of finding an intermediate point in this matter encourages Podemos to lower its arms when it comes to taking the initiative with a proposal or to reactivate contacts. While from the environment of the vice president they are inhibited from purple pressures and ensure that they never negotiate at the last minute.

Without dialogue, the channel of communication between the parties is that of public statements, where both sides put their load of pressure on each other. The secretary of Organization of Podemos, Lilith Verstrynge, assures that “it is the hand” of Díaz that they go. On the other hand, the vice president assures that “there is no excuse for the purple party not to be there.” “In the moments that the history of a country can change, it must be there.”

The countdown to Sunday speeds up. Díaz is now focused on the content of her speech and on the organization of the presentation on Sunday, which has exceeded the expectations of the organizers themselves due to the number of parties, leaders and public officials who want to be in person at the event.

Among them, there will be members of Podemos. That is why the purple ones are preparing for damage control before this display of internal division and before the image of isolation that will be projected with their absence – because they will be IU, common, Más País, Más Madrid, Compromís, Chunta Aragonesista , Equo, Alianza Verde and other parties-.

Podemos tries to minimize the value of the response that implies that officials or leaders attend the presentation ceremony at the Magariños sports center (Madrid). They minimize these assists by saying that they go individually. However, in recent days, the national leadership has spoken with the regional leaders to try to contain this situation. The purple sources consulted indicate that these contacts have been in many cases because they were asked about the criteria set by Ione Belarra and they deny having pressured anyone.

Podemos does not expect more names than those that have already come out. This opinion contrasts with other sources from United We Can, which do point to more interested parties. Up to now two barons support Sumar-Borja San Ramón (Galicia) and Begoña Alfaro (Navarra)-; Extremadura will send a leader; the Balearic Vice President, Juan Pedro Yllanes; two former general secretaries, Antón Gómez-Reino and Nacho Escartín; the MEP Eugenia Rodríguez Palop; two deputies; and the candidate from Asturias, Cova Tomé.

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