Emmanuel Macron’s popularity rating plummeted by 6 points in March compared to February, with 28% positive opinion, according to a BVA poll for RTL carried out in the midst of challenging the pension reform and published Monday.

This is the lowest level reached by the Head of State in this barometer since November 2018, at the very beginning of the yellow vests crisis.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne also lost two points in one month, with 28% of respondents saying they had a good opinion of her action, her worst result since joining Matignon in May 2022.

On the eve of a tenth day of action throughout France, the survey also shows a slight decline in opposition to the pension reform: 57% of those questioned think that this reform should not be implemented. , up from 61% at the start of March.

More than two thirds of respondents also say they are opposed to the postponement of the legal age of departure to 64, provided for by the text which is currently in the hands of the Constitutional Council.

Survey conducted on March 24 and 25 with a sample of 1,000 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, according to the quota method, with a margin of error of between 1.4 and 3.1 points.

03/27/2023 18:25:59 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP