The president of the PP of Aragon and mayor of Zaragoza, Jorge Azcón, affirmed this Monday that Teruel Existe has “always” been on the side of the PSOE given the possibility that this formation of Empty Spain is the ‘key’ to form the Executive , and has once again offered the regional president, Javier Lambán, a pact so that the most voted list governs.

This was stated by the popular candidate for the regional elections in Aragon at the Spain to Examen meeting, organized by the newspaper El Confidencial, where he assured that the regionalist formation “has been a support of Pedro Sánchez” and that he has not seconded the initiatives presented by the PP in the Aragonese Cortes.

Azcón has emphasized that the PP will work for the province of Teruel, “at least”, at the same level as Teruel Exists. In addition, he has defended the measure to reduce business contributions by up to 20 percent in an effort to promote employment in Teruel.

“These types of measures unite us with Teruel Existe and the Popular Party. Whatever it means to defend the province of Teruel, we will understand each other there,” emphasized the mayor of Zaragoza.

In this sense, he has reproached Lambán for having “insulted” the deputy of Teruel Existe in Congress, Tomás Guitarte, after calling him a “cantonalist” or “pueblerino”, stressing that he does not offend his political opponents even if he does not agree with them.

Azcón has assured that “the Aragonese are not stupid” and that in the next municipal and regional elections on 28-M they will prefer to vote for a monocolor party rather than an Executive made up of up to five formations in the event that the PSOE wins.

“Javier Lambán, today, has a quadripartite government and the only possibility of repeating as president of the Government of Aragon is that it may not be a quadripartite but a pentapartite one”, he said, describing said possibility as a “cage of shackles”.

For this reason, he has reiterated his proposal to Lambán for a pact so that the list with the most votes can govern, offering his vote if the PSOE wins the elections on 28-M. “I offer Lambán that if the PP is the first force with the most votes, he votes for me as president of Aragon. And if he is the first force with the most votes, I vote for him as president of the autonomous community,” he proposed.

Asked if he would govern with the support of Vox, as is the case in other autonomous communities such as Castilla y León, the popular candidate for the Government of Aragon has reiterated that his intention is to govern alone and not depend on other political formations.

According to Azcón, Vox has to decide if they want the PSOE to continue governing with “the extreme left” or trust a PP change government.

“The problem is if Vox is going to have complexes and is going to allow a socialist to continue governing in the autonomous community if there is a majority or, indeed, is it going to bet on change,” he specified, leaving the formation of Santiago in the hands of Abascal that the PP govern in Aragon.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Zaragoza has accused the president of Aragon, Javier Lambán, of lying and of basing his Executive on “not telling the truth”, alleging that he is sometimes critical of the Pedro Sánchez government and then does not vote accordingly. in the Courts of Aragon.

“Is it true that Lambán has been able to criticize the pardons of Pedro Sánchez? It is true. But when Lambán had to vote in the Cortes of Aragón on the pardons of Pedro Sánchez, he voted in favor” Azcón reproached the Aragonese president, citing other examples such as the Law of ‘only yes is yes’.

In this sense, he has maintained that the PSOE, both in Madrid and in Aragon, thinks that “lying has no consequences”, which is why he has assured that Lambán “does not deserve” a good result in the next 28M elections.

“Politically, Lambán does not deserve that result (…) I think it is necessary for fresh air to enter, for there to be a regeneration of Aragonese politics”, the president of the PP of Aragón also bet.

According to the president of the Aragonese PP, Aragon is “fiscal hell” because it is one of the autonomous communities where the most taxes are paid. “We Aragonese pay 170 euros more on average than Spaniards,” he stated, citing a recent study by the College of Economists.

He has also stressed that there is no other autonomous community that “treats wealth tax worse”, that Aragon is the third “worst” Spanish region in terms of Inheritance tax, or that it is the community where more taxes are paid to access buying a home. In addition, he has highlighted that Aragon is, according to the study, the fourth autonomous community that collects the most taxes per inhabitant.

“It’s not my opinion, it’s the data. Aragon is fiscal hell,” the PP candidate for the Aragonese government stressed, noting that his “priority” is personal income tax.

He has also accused the current Executive of defending tax collection without this being reflected in good public services. “There is no other autonomous community where it takes so long for them to operate (…) The average is around 150 days,” Azcón asserted, highlighting other problems such as the state of the roads or an alleged lack of investment in the sport.

For this reason, he has stressed that if Pedro Sánchez is to be removed from the Government of Spain, it is necessary to remove Javier Lambán from the Government of Aragon first.

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