A government crisis without pain or glory for its shallowness. Disappointment in the Popular Party with the changes announced this Monday by Pedro Sánchez in the Council of Ministers to face the little that remains of the legislature. The fact that only the head of Health, Carolina Darias, and Industry, Reyes Maroto, has left, is insufficient, as the opposition leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has reproached the Prime Minister.

“The newsworthy are those who stay,” Feijóo criticized minutes after learning about the reform of Sánchez’s team. In the eyes of the president of the popular, this was the moment to renew the Equality and Interior portfolios, since the ministers Irene Montero and Fernando Grande-Marlaska are the two most worn-out in La Moncloa.

“The minister of the botch of the yes is yes and the one on the fence of Melilla stays. That is a surprise,” said the opposition leader, who has been demanding Sánchez for months to dismiss these two ministers. However, all the pools pointed out that the president would only release Darias and Maroto because of their status as mayoral candidates, respectively, of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Madrid. “It is surprising that he has not been able to bring a new direction to politics and confirm that the most worn-out ministers hold out until the end of the legislature,” Feijóo said.

Regarding the new appointments, Feijóo has highlighted the party profile of both Héctor Gómez, the new Minister of Industry, and José Manuel Miñones, of Health. Regarding the latter, a government delegate in Galicia, Feijóo said he knew him from his stage as regional president and wished them luck, at the same time that he thanked the work of the two outgoing ministers. “He probably responds to organic decisions to find a candidate in Galicia”, he has added about the election of Miñones as the new Minister of Health.

In the eyes of the opposition leader, the “nervousness” that exists in La Moncloa in the face of the elections already dictates the road map of the coalition government. In fact, this is the reason, Feijóo considers, for which the Executive has misrepresented and “generated fake news” based on the PP’s criticism of the Ibero-American summit held this weekend in Santo Domingo.

“We are not going to support that in the last four or five years homage is paid to autocratic regimes” by leaders and former leaders of both the PSOE and Podemos, Feijóo has had an impact this Monday, who has introduced the popular candidate in Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, at the breakfast organized by the New Economy Forum.

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