“USL Dunkerque is deeply saddened and shocked by the racist insults uttered [on April 23] by one of the players of the opposing team against one of our players during the match against Bordeaux,” wrote the northern club in a press release published on Wednesday April 24. Without mentioning the names of the two men, or specifying the comments made, the USL declares having made “a report” to the Professional Football League (LFP).

“The report was made in a report to the delegate after the match,” added the Dunkirk club to Agence France-Presse (AFP). If there was no mention of this incident immediately after the match, it is because it was a procedure that took a little time. The LFP specified that “the disciplinary committee will meet [Thursday] and will put the file under investigation”. Dunkirk lost (2-0) against Bordeaux during this meeting on the 34th day of the second division.

The Girondins open an investigation

“We would like to express our unconditional support for our player as well as for all athletes who suffer such acts,” adds the northern club, fifteenth in Ligue 2, which assures that it “firmly condemns any act of racism and discrimination “. “These behaviors are completely contrary to the values ​​of our club and the sporting spirit,” underlines USL Dunkerque.

“We take these accusations very seriously and immediately opened an investigation to shed light on these events,” responded the Girondins in a press release. “Racism, like all forms of discrimination, is contrary to the values ​​of our club. If the facts were proven, the club commits itself to the utmost firmness to take all necessary sanctions,” adds the Bordeaux club.