The Congress of Deputies has handed over to Justice the personal effects, documentation and other material that remained to date in the office of Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo, alias Tito Berni, as part of the investigation of the Mediator case, as required to the presidency of the Lower House last week.

This was announced this Thursday by the General Secretariat of Congress, one day after having complied with the request sent by the Investigating Court number 4 of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is investigating the facts involving the former socialist deputy as part of a corruption plot on which possible crimes of bribery, influence peddling, documentary falsification and belonging to a criminal organization fall.

At the beginning of this week, as this newspaper has been reporting, it was the president of the Congress herself, Meritxell Batet, who authorized the delivery of the existing material in the office of Fuentes Curbelo, which has been closed since January, when she delivered the minutes, and that it has not been occupied by another parliamentarian.

The resolution asked Batet to provide “authorization and collaboration so that the Technical Secretariat deliver to the National Police, Technological Crimes Group the effects deposited inside the office of the Congress of Deputies assigned to the investigated Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo to carry out his parliamentary work.

The delivery of Fuentes Curbelo’s personal material, including the desktop computer he used during his three-year term as parliamentarian. It arrives the same day that it is known that the former deputy has asked the Chamber for the compensation that corresponds to him for having occupied the seat. An amount that, as reported by El Confidencial this Thursday, would amount in the case of Fuentes Curbelo to 9,380 euros.

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