Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – In 2022, nature conservation authorities in Hesse registered around 40 cases of willful destruction of beaver burrows. This emerges from a response from the Ministry of the Environment in Wiesbaden to a parliamentary question from the SPD parliamentary group. In addition, an unreported number can be assumed. The nature conservation authorities report illegal removal of beaver burrows under criminal law, as the ministry explained. Rodents are among the strictly protected species.

“The beaver is back in many Hessian bodies of water and is designing new natural spaces as an ‘ecosystem engineer’,” the ministry said. Even in dry periods, their dams ensure good water retention in the landscape, stabilize the groundwater levels and could help to mitigate flooding during heavy rain. Despite many positive effects, the beaver’s activities could cause problems in some cases, the ministry added. Then the beaver managers of the nature conservation authorities help to find a solution.