From the point of view of the environmental association BUND, there is a lack of data in the northeast to promote organic farming. Other federal states are ahead of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, is the criticism.

Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The environmental association BUND criticizes the lack of data on the development of organic agriculture in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. “For the further positive development of organic farming in our country, we need a comprehensive organic market analysis,” said BUND expert Burkhard Roloff of the German Press Agency in Schwerin. This is important in order to evaluate existing support measures and to launch necessary new ones.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture in Schwerin, the organic farming area continued to grow last year despite the difficult conditions. For the first time, over 200,000 hectares were farmed organically, which was an increase of over 11,000 hectares compared to 2021. According to the ministry, this corresponds to 14.9 percent of the agricultural area, for which 26 percent of the farms are responsible. There is no data yet on what is grown on these areas, but this should be made up for in 2023 as part of the agricultural survey by the State Statistical Office.

The BUND would like an annual survey in the form of an organic market report, as presented for the first time in February by the Berlin-Brandenburg region. In addition to comparing cultivation and production with the rest of Germany, the report also analyzes organic sales in the catering trade.