Sonneberg (dpa/th) – A 60-year-old lost control of his vehicle under the influence of alcohol, left the road and finally insulted police officers. The man fled on foot after the traffic accident on federal highway 89 at the roundabout in the direction of Malmerz, the police said on Sunday.

According to the information, a policewoman found the man a little later on Friday evening on the bypass near Sonneberg. So she asked him to stop. However, the 60-year-old did not comply with this request. He pushed the policewoman aside and continued on his way. The officer brought the man to the ground and was able to stop him. During the arrest, the man resisted, insulted the officers and made unauthorized audio recordings with his cell phone, which is why he was eventually taken into police custody.

A breath alcohol test showed a value of 2.7 per thousand. His driver’s license was confiscated. The police are investigating.